25, Aug 2022
Page optimization

Page optimization

Once you have a list of keywords, the next step is to embed targeted keywords into your site’s content. Each page should be focused on the main query or group of queries.

Let’s take a look at a few important basic page elements that are essential if you want to drive targeted traffic to your site:


This tag helps search engines understand the actual meaning of the page, what it is about, and also recognizes the queries you want to rank for. And this is the most effective place to place your keywords. But do not forget that Yandex and Google still punish aggressive and manipulative use of keywords.

The Title tag is not the main title of your page. The title you see on the page is usually an H1 (or possibly H2) HTML element. The Title tag is what you see at the very top of the browser, and it’s populated with the page’s source code in the meta tag:

Create ad
Disable ads

JSC “Tinkoff Bank”
How it happened. You thought to open an individual entrepreneur – we will register it for free

The length of a Title that is shown on Google will vary (it’s based on pixels, not character count), but 55-60 characters on average is the ideal size in practice.

In the case of Yandex, the optimal length of the Title tag is 65-70 characters. In this case, the length and occurrence of the key query that makes up the title text plays an important role.

When composing the Title, remember that this is what the user sees in the search results, what gets into the snippet.

The title should give an answer to the main intent of the user, not break off in half a word and be written in human language, and not “Buy DVR Moscow”.


While the Title tag is actually your site’s title in the SERPs, the Description (another HTML meta element that can be updated in the site’s code but not appear on the page) is actually additional advertising for the site.

Google takes some liberties with what to display in a snippet, so your meta description may not always appear. Instead, Google’s crawler can rip out the piece of content that it thinks best fits the description of the page.

But if you can write an attractive page description that convinces people to click on the link, then you can significantly increase traffic to the site. (Remember: appearing in search results is only the first step! You still need search engines to come to your site.)

Example Description in Google search engine:

Description example in the Yandex search engine:

Body. Page content

Of course, in addition to the meta description (Title and Description), the actual content of the page itself is also important. Different pages serve different purposes.

Google and Yandex are increasingly favoring certain types of content, and there are a few things to keep in mind when creating any of the pages on your site:

Extensive and unique content. There is no magic number in terms of word count, and if you have multiple pages of content on your site with a few hundred words, you won’t lose favor with the search engines. But more often, longer unique content is preferred.
If you have a large number of very short (50-200 words) pages or a lot of duplicate content where nothing changes except for the title tag of the page, this can negatively affect the position of the site. Look at your site as a whole: is a large percentage of your pages skinny, duplicated, and of little value or low demand? If yes, try to find a way to “make” these pages better, full of content. Check your analytics to see how much traffic these pages are getting, and simply exclude them (using the noindex meta tag) from search results so that search engines don’t think you’re trying to flood their index with lots of low-value pages in an attempt to rank them up.

A tool for webmasters will help you find low-value and low-quality pages on the site. For example, Yandex Webmaster will help you find such pages through Indexing, then Pages in the search, here we select Excluded pages, in the Status filter we select the necessary parameters, in our case, a low-value or low-demand page.

Involvement. Search engines, especially Google, are paying more and more attention to engagement and user experience metrics. You can positively influence these indicators by making sure that your content responds to the user’s request, it (the content) is really useful, interesting and can be interacted with. Make sure the pages load quickly and don’t contain unnecessary design elements or, for example, overly aggressive ads above the content.
“Sharability” or “sharing capability”, i.e. the ability to share this specific content on social networks

Alt Attributes

The way you mark up your images can affect not only how search engines perceive your page, but also the amount of search traffic generated by image searches on your site.

The alt attribute is an HTML element that allows you to provide alternative information for an image if the user cannot view it. Your images can break over time (files get deleted, users can’t connect to the site, etc.), so a useful image description can be important in terms of overall usability. It also gives you another opportunity – beyond the content – to help search engines understand what the page is about.

It is not at all necessary to “stuff” with Alt keywords. Just don’t skip it and try to give a complete and accurate description of the image (imagine describing it to someone who can’t see it – that’s what the Alt attribute is really for!). You can read more about the ATL and title attributes for images in the Yandex help.

URL structure

The structure of your site’s URL can be important both in terms of tracking (you can more easily segment data in reports using a segmented logical URL structure) and in terms of being able to share the URL of the page (shorter descriptive URLs are easier to copy and paste and tend to be erroneously cropped less often). Once again: don’t try to cram in as many keywords as possible; create a short, descriptive URL.

What’s more: if you don’t have to, don’t change your URLs. Even if your URLs aren’t “beautiful”, if you don’t see them negatively impacting users and businesses in general, don’t change them to be more keyword-focused for “better SEO”. If you really need to change the URL structure, make sure you are using the correct 301 page redirect. This is a common mistake that companies make when changing the design of their sites, we have a separate cool article on this topic: “Website redesign or how to maintain your ranking in search engines without losing positions and traffic”.

25, Aug 2022
Search and distribution of keywords

Search and distribution of keywords

The first step in search engine optimization is to correctly identify what you are actually optimizing for. This means identifying the queries people are searching for or the keywords you want your site to rank for in search engines.

Sounds simple enough, right? I want my company to show up in searches when people search for “dvrs” and maybe when they type in “buy dashcam”.

But in fact, not everything is as simple as it seems. There are several key factors to consider when determining the keywords for which you want to promote your site:

Search volume. The first factor to consider is the number of people (if any) who search for a given keyword. The more people who search for a keyword, the wider the audience you want to reach. Conversely, if no one searches for a key, then there is no audience that could find your content using the search.
Relevance. If a product or service is frequently searched for, that’s great. But what if that query isn’t entirely relevant to your potential customers?
Relevance seems obvious at first: if you’re selling enterprise email marketing automation software, you don’t want to show up for search terms that have nothing to do with your business, like “pet products.” But, besides this, you should take into account for which companies you sell your product, in which territory and other equally important factors.

Competition. In SEO, too, you must consider the potential costs and likelihood of success. For SEO, this means understanding the relative competition (and likelihood of ranking) for specific terms.
First, you need to understand who your potential customers are and what they are most likely to be looking for. If you don’t yet understand who your audience is, think about it. This is a good start not only for SEO, but for business in general.

To better understand your audience, ask a few questions:

What interests them?
What are their problems?
What language do they use to describe needs, enter a request?
Who else do they buy things or services from? (These may be your competitors. But, in addition, the answer to this question may provide indirect clues in determining your target audience).
Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll have an initial “basic list” of possible keywords and domains. This list will help you get more keywords, search volume, and competition metrics.

Take a list of the main terms your prospects and clients use to describe what you do and start typing them into your keyword tools. For example, Yandex has a Wordstat word selection tool.

Serpstat has a convenient and functional keyword analysis tool:

You can use various keyword suggestion tools, but the basic idea is that at the initial stage, you will need to try to collect the maximum number of the most relevant keywords and expressions.

If you already have an active site, then most likely you are already receiving some traffic from search engines. The Yandex Webmaster Tool can also provide hints when working with requests:

or track the statistics of search queries on the site in the appropriate section:

Query statistics can also be tracked in the Google Search Console:

For extended collection of semantics, not only for high-frequency queries, but also for mid- and low-frequency queries, Key Collector is perfect. In addition to collecting keywords, you can safely use this program for clustering.

After you understand who your potential customers are, what they are looking for and how they enter a request; Having analyzed the keywords that bring traffic to competitors and studied the queries that attract traffic, you need to determine by what criteria your site can rank and where to focus your SEO efforts.

25, Aug 2022
What really helps to increase traffic from search engines?

What really helps to increase traffic from search engines?

TOP-10 search engines (at the end of the 20th year):

Google – 53.9% (73.5 million hits)
Yandex — 43.1% (58.7 million hits)Rambler – 0.1% (181 thousand clicks)
Bing – 0.1% (147k hits)
Tut.by – 0.01% (12 thousand clicks)
Yahoo – 0.001% (6.5 thousand clicks)
The share of traffic is now divided between search engines in approximately the same ratio, but Yandex and Google are invariably in the lead. Therefore, most seo-specialists usually focus on them. To get into the search results of these two search engines, you need to understand the basic principles of their algorithms and the principles of ranking sites.

Search engine algorithms are constantly updated, and every year it becomes more and more difficult to get to the top of the results and keep your positions there. And many cheap and easy ways to improve your rankings have become extremely risky and face sanctions from search engines.

So what works? How do Google and Yandex determine which pages to return in response to what people are looking for? How to get all this valuable traffic to your website?

Google’s algorithm is extremely complex, and here are the basic principles it uses to rank websites:

Google looks for pages that contain quality and relevant information about the user’s query.
It determines relevancy by “scanning” your site’s content and evaluating (using algorithms) whether that content matches what the user is looking for, typically based on the keywords it contains.
Google defines the “quality” of a site in many different ways, but it’s still important to Google the quantity and quality of other websites that link to your page and to your site as a whole.
The Google algorithm also evaluates additional elements to determine where your site will rank, such as:

How do people interact with your site (do they find the information they need and stay on the site, or do they return to the search page and follow another link? Or do they just ignore you in the search results?)
Your website loading speed and mobile friendliness
How much unique content do you have (versus low value content or duplicate content)
The Google algorithm considers hundreds of ranking factors in response to search queries, and they are constantly updating and improving their process.

Ranking factors in Yandex largely overlap with Google factors. But there are also some peculiarities. So in 2021, Yandex named the main parameters using the example of online stores:

the Yandex quality index (QI) is still decisive;
voice search;
physical quantities of the HTML code;
the number of quality pages in the index;
the quality and number of links that lead to a third-party resource;
quality of incoming links;
the presence of the resource in social networks;
the number of transitions from the search and behavioral factors – presence time, browsing depth, number of bounces and last click;
ALT attributes and the number of words in each of them;
the quality of domains that link to your site;
site visits;
number of words in internal links;
the number of direct visits to the resource;
website presence on YouTube;
the number of clicks from social networks and mail.
The good news is that you don’t have to be an SEO expert to rank high in search results. We’ll look at proven website optimization techniques to help you drive targeted traffic through search.

25, Aug 2022
What is SEO and why is it important?

You must have heard of SEO. And if you haven’t heard, then you could just read the definition of the term on Wikipedia. But understanding that SEO is “a set of measures for internal and external optimization to raise the position of a site in the search engine results for certain user queries” will not really help solve the problems of your business and site. For example:

How to optimize your site or client’s site for search engines?
How to increase your site’s organic visibility so that users can easily find content?
How do you know how much time to spend on SEO?
How can you tell “good” SEO advice from “bad” or even “harmful” ones?
And what you will definitely wonder as a business owner or employee is how you can effectively use SEO to drive more relevant website traffic, leads, sales, and ultimately revenue and profit for your business. This is what we want to focus on in our guide.

Why should you pay attention to SEO?

Billions of people search the internet every day. Organic traffic is extremely powerful, not only because it is large in terms of quantity, but also because it consists of specific requests, often containing certain content.

Let’s imagine a situation. For example, you sell video recorders. Would you prefer to advertise your product on a billboard in a certain area of ​​the city so that every car owner in that area sees this advertisement (regardless of whether they need a DVR or not)? Or offer a product every time someone types the query: “buy a dash cam” in the search bar? Most likely the second option, because these users have commercial intent in their request. That is, they literally stand up and say they want to buy what you offer.

24, Aug 2022

affiliate marketing

It’s about building an affiliate program. Offer your users a reward in the form of a small fraction of what the people that this user will refer to your service will pay you. This mechanic is quite common and works best in the mass product segment.

In recent years, CPA platforms (from the English Cost Per Action – payment for action) have been developing more and more actively in Russia, aggregating offers from advertisers and transmitting them to an extensive database of webmasters who are ready to promote these offers. Payment in such systems occurs directly for the action (for registration, for ordering, and so on) performed on your site, this significantly reduces (but does not exclude) the risks of inefficient spending of the marketing budget. Examples of such networks in Russia are Mixmarket, Admitad, CPANetwork and others.

revenue share

If your product is intended for business, web studios, consulting and advertising agencies, system integrators, etc. can become an excellent distribution channel. It is quite common practice to provide such partners with white-label solutions so that they can sell the service to end customers under their own brand. The mechanics of work are almost the same: a partner introduces your product to his client and receives either a one-time fee or a small percentage of all client payments in the system.


You might not notice it, but in terms of the number of Internet users, Russia is the first market in Europe. Internet projects are growing like mushrooms after the rain. Look around: it’s almost certain that someone is trying to solve the same audience problem as you, but is not your direct competitor. I know dozens of services that in one way or another try to increase the income of an online store and are successfully used by many businesses at the same time. To get the opportunity to appeal to the audience of a related service is your task. Arrange for a joint mailing list, cross-posting on corporate blogs, a webinar, or providing exclusive terms for partner clients. The beauty of this approach is that the “active” customers of your partner’s service are already profitable, and if they are interested in your service, they will most likely be profitable for you.

Final Thoughts

Despite the fact that the promotion strategy of different services may be similar, the tactics will always be different. Carefully work out the values ​​that your product carries, audience segmentation, its tasks and ways to solve them. Don’t forget about your customer’s IT services. They worry about the security, reliability, performance, and integration capabilities of your product because they don’t have direct access to it. Take care of them at least at the documentation level.

Promote your entire service, not individual “chips” of the product. Remember that the process of using it includes registration with the setting, and the process of “learning” how to use it, and communicating with those. support, and even actions to pay or stop using the product. Each of these points can play a decisive role in deciding whether to use your product by one or another segment of your target audience.

We have considered the main mechanics of promoting SaaS services on the Internet, available to most startups, used with a limited budget. Much is left behind the scenes, much you will have to rework and supplement on your own. I can only wish you success in this.

24, Aug 2022
How to Promote new SaaS Product

As a rule, newly launched SaaS services are very limited in funds. They are not only inaccessible to the tactics of “flooding the market with money”, which became popular in eCommerce a couple of years ago due to the arrival of “big” money in Runet. Often, most of the traditional tools for attracting visitors to promotional sites are not available to startups. With this in mind, in the promotion strategy, I want to highlight three main areas that allow you to operate on a limited budget.


An important task for an innovative product is to create demand for a new way of solving a problem (no one has canceled the existing solution). This activity involves not so much bombarding potential users with suggestions to solve all their problems (although it does not exclude it), but rather conveying your vision of the solution and positioning yourself as an expert in solving such problems.


Thanks to XYZ positioning, you have an understanding of your audience. In 99% of cases, this audience has a thematic platform, community, group, forum, mailing list, or some other platform for online communication. The owners of these platforms tend to monetize their sites through ads and will almost always be happy with good content. You should not try to place press releases in such places, no one reads them. And frank advertising will not meet anything but negativity at all.

Instead, share interesting information! After all, you conducted research on your audience, identified its needs, analyzed the market .. Make a mini-report out of this. Are you making an app for bikers? Surely you have information on the distribution of motorcycle brands among motorcycle owners in Moscow (or New York?) Are you writing a service for analysts? Tell us about what systems are used in the market, what are their strengths and weaknesses. If there is no inspiration at all, just translate a few Western articles.

Naturally, your service can also be mentioned in the article. You should not make it the center of the article, let it be a simple caption “Material prepared by A.B. Petrov, manager of the service for solving problem X http://example.com”, or a short mention in the text like “we in example.com solved problem X in the Z way”.

Engage with communities.

Subscribe to new topics or community posts on your topic. Someone sooner or later will have a problem that your service can solve. In addition, each community has so-called opinion leaders. Ask them to try your product, act as experts, give their opinion, write a review or even a review. Do not be afraid of failure, the very request will emphasize the expert status of a person and flatter him, even if you get a refusal. And if you agree, be sure to process the feedback and make minor improvements, informing the expert about it. This will connect him to your product and perhaps make him your advocate or even evangelist.

Participate in industry events.

Industry conferences are held across the country several times a month. The cost of placing a stand on them can vary from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles and is not suitable for everyone. You can show yourself at events in a different way.

Make a presentation.

Do not advertise under any circumstances. The approach to the content of the speech should be the same as when working with platforms: maximum useful content.

Chat with potential clients.

At the largest events (such as the “Russian Internet Forum” or “Russian Internet Week”), your potential customers cannot be missing.

Try to get a slot through structures that support startups.

At the above-mentioned RIW and RIF, the so-called Upstart Conf is held as a separate stream, which makes it possible to talk about the project or even get a stand at the exhibition. Microsoft provides strong support for startups using its technologies. We can talk about both free software provision and marketing support (highlights in stores, news on websites and mailing lists, slots at conferences, and so on).

Participate in online events.

There are many online activities that can support you. For example, Maxim Spiridonov periodically conducts a “debriefing” for startups in the format of a webinar, in which, as a rule, dozens of people participate, and hundreds watch the recording. The Seopult-TV channel recently launched the “Terrapiya” program, the participants of which thoroughly analyze the Internet project (the number of views here is already in the thousands).

Attend startup events and competitions.

Not the most effective method for getting customers, however, it will help you get feedback on the product, which will be sorely missed at the start, as well as help you make useful contacts, which we will talk about a little later.


Despite all the innovativeness of your product, the current solution to the same problem X has a small but steady demand. about fifty

24, Aug 2022

After the long-awaited release of the first version of the web application, it turns out that no one knows about your startup (which, of course, is absolutely necessary for all people on the planet), and for some reason users do not line up with a request to accept their money and enjoy as soon as possible. your new product.

As experience shows, one well-written SAAS product is not enough to build a profitable business. It’s great if you have a marketing budget. It is very good if you know what to do with it, because the approach to the formation of a promotion strategy requires both consistency and ingenuity: startups are almost always limited in money. In this article, I will describe how to most rationally allocate time and money to promote your product.

Promoting your service, of course, should be part of a well-designed marketing strategy. However, very often start-ups do not have the time or resources to develop a brand and plan detailed marketing activities for their product. Therefore, before you attack the wallets of potential customers, I want you to do a little exercise that will help make your promotion strategy much more effective.

Right now, write on a piece of paper: “My service solves problem X for audience Y in a unique way Z.” Naturally, the letters XYZ must be replaced with the information that is relevant to you.


Problem X

Describe the problem your service should solve. Briefly and concisely, in a few words. The search engine solves the problem of finding information among 15,000,000 Runet sites. E-mail service solves the problem of fast transfer of information and documents through the network. Why does your service exist? What problem does it solve?

Audience Y

Describe the target audience of your project. I beg you: do not tell anyone under any circumstances that your service is created for everyone. Remember: for everyone means for no one. Who will use your project? For whom will it be of value? Whose problems will be solved? Who will be upset if your project ceases to exist? Who decides what is worth using your service? IT-shniki, financiers, marketers? The better you describe your customers, the cheaper it will cost you to contact them in the end.

Way Z

Agree, if the problem you described is acute, then its solution already exists, regardless of your service. Another thing is that your solution to the problem should be so good that its appearance, if not change the world, then at least eclipse all other solutions, otherwise why would you take on your project, right?

24, Aug 2022
SEO for SaaS products: how to compete with the SERP giants

SaaS or software as a service is a software licensing service model by subscription. Most often, such software is located on servers in the network. The user accesses the service through a browser or API, and is entirely supported by the service provider. Simply put, the SaaS model allows the client to work with a ready-made solution online. The user simply pays for access and gets a ready-made tool as quickly as possible. In today’s article, Ivan Paly from Boosta will tell you how he and his team drive traffic to their own SaaS products:

Sitechecker – website analysis service for technical errors;
Copywritely – content analysis service;
Kparser is a search suggestion parser.
For 2 years of work, the team has received impressive results. The products compete in search results with the giants of the seo tools industry: Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz and Backlinko. The total traffic has already exceeded 300,000 unique users and continues to grow, and the number of referring donors is more than 2,000.

We will divide the report into 3 parts: content creation, traffic acquisition and link building. Let’s move on to specific steps. Let’s imagine that you took a product, studied competitors, parsed their semantics and filed the main pages in English. These are classic steps. The question is how to extend the semantics.

Getting traffic

Separation into mini-products
The first way is to divide your product into mini-products. At one point, we noticed that users analyze pages not entirely, but their specific parts: meta tags, h1, title and description. We added pages based on this data, and Google began to rank them well. For example, this was the case with Favicon Checker: we initially made an information landing, added a tool, and saw push traffic. You can add these mini-tools to the first screen, in the middle of an article, or combine them with how-to content. Or you can generally do only one to and leave the title, h1 or description. The main value of such pages is that the user satisfies his intent simply by getting some kind of response from the tool. He doesn’t always need to read the content. Similar responses can be generated in English and then scaled to other languages.

Create mini-products based on API

Many tools that have an API put a lot of emphasis on the quality, accuracy, and volume of their data, but often forget about design. If you work in this direction with the same data, you can easily overtake your competitors. For example, this is what we did with the traffic-checker landing page. In this case, you need to be careful. After receiving traffic, we analyze statistics on conversions and profit. After all, you will most often have to pay for the API. Even if the landing page is in the top, you need to constantly analyze whether it makes a profit.

Other Uses for the Product

Let’s take a look at the kparser search hint parser as an example. First, it was in the top for key-word generator and key-word suggestion tool. At some point, we noticed that the site ranks well for words related to YouTube – the landing page youtube key word tool went well. We wondered what else people might be looking for? As a result, we noticed a great demand for youtube name generator. It turns out that many aspiring YouTubers want to create channels, but cannot come up with a name for themselves.

It’s a bit strange. How can search suggestions help you come up with a brand name? So we went a little further. Our product didn’t just teach YouTubers how to create a brand for themselves. He explained in detail how to use this data. The idea worked. Now it is our most popular product. Further experiments with domain name generator and business name generator began. They were also successful. The important thing is that you look at your product from different angles and try to understand how it can be used.

Comparison with competitors

Surely your product has competitors. Many users are not satisfied with them, and users will look for an alternative. Such requests have a small volume, but the hottest target audience. She has already used the tool and was dissatisfied with something. This is the warmest customer and you can satisfy him. Show your benefits and reflect this in your content. Don’t forget small competitors. Analyze sites with good potential and copy their features. As they grow, the traffic to your landing page will also grow.

24, Aug 2022
Untested but Valuable Ideas for your content strategy

There are still ideas that I have not tested on my own skin, but which, according to data from competitors and personal feelings, will give a good result.

  1. Product Hunt
    In the articles that I studied on Product Hunt, the low efficiency of this site in terms of sales is striking. But if you can get a good link and traffic at a low cost, why not. Moreover, there are already a lot of checklists for preparation.

So, we plan to launch a campaign on Product Hunt soon. Add me as a friend and write to me if you need to vote for your product.

  1. Medium
    Here I like the example of Tim Soulo’s blog and the very idea of ​​publishing valuable and interesting articles for which it is difficult to find good semantics and therefore it is better not to publish them on the site’s blog.

As far as I know, the secret to reach is not only great content, but also the ability to get material approved in The Startup community, which includes more than 600 thousand subscribers. If anyone has interesting experience and recommendations on Medium, please share in the comments.

As a user, I don’t like Twitter. But when you start working seriously with English-language platforms and communicate with foreign experts, you see that this is a huge part of the Anglonet life. The activity of both the person and the company on Twitter looks like a rule of good form.

  1. YouTube
    Being able to optimize a video for YouTube and turning it into a permanent source of traffic is not the same thing. Yes, you can transform some of your text materials into a video story.

But regularly filming, editing, designing and distributing videos will take so much time that for noticeable results you will need to dedicate one person to this. And yet you have to go there.

Video content makes it easier for the user to perceive information, shows your face and thus inspires more confidence in the product.

  1. Podcasts
    Tom Hunt once wrote to me on Facebook, a marketer who builds content marketing for business only on the basis of podcasts. After researching this issue, I found out that this is a separate large traffic channel, which also requires a lot of time and money to build up. We have not tested it yet, but if we try, I will share my experience.

All of the above ideas and instructions are not an exhaustive list. We are constantly testing new platforms and ideas for content, but we do not continue to work on each of them.

If I had such an instruction at the beginning of the journey, I would have achieved results 2 times faster. But there is one more nuance.

You need money to continuously grow your organic traffic. If you do not have external investments, then you can get them only by successfully converting the flow of users that you attracted with your first efforts. Therefore, you cannot be successful in SEO over a long period of time without success in marketing and product management.

24, Aug 2022
Idea for creating blog posts
  1. We take page ideas from competitors
    In this case, the competitor is any site that ranks according to your semantics. It doesn’t have to be a product similar to yours.

Your competitors may have a different site structure, different type of content, but the semantics they cover will be similar.

It is best to take semantics from market leaders. From the very beginning, we collected ideas from Moz pages.

Ahrefs “Top Pages” report on moz.com
But remember that the semantics of market leaders will not necessarily be exhaustive. For two reasons:

there is always valuable semantics that Ahrefs, Semrush, Similarweb services do not see.
there are always valuable semantics that your competitors don’t rank for.

  1. Divide the product into mini-products
    We made it too late. And I had to start from there. For the first year, our main product was an SEO page analysis tool.

This analysis consists of many checks. Each of them represents a separate value for users. And every single check is searched by users on Google.

The value of such pages consists of four parameters:

You don’t need a lot of content to start ranking.
lower competition for keywords;
it is easy to make the same pages in other languages;
high conversion to the next step.

An example of our mini-product, which is part of the main product

  1. We create related mini-products
    These should be mini products:

for which there is semantics;
take little time from your developers;
close in subject matter to your main product.

An example of our mini product, which is not part of the main product

  1. We create mini-products based on the API of other products
    This item is similar to the previous one. But here you need more investment from a product manager and designer than from developers.

It is important to realize that there are many ways to use and visualize the same data. And the market leader with the best data in a niche doesn’t always represent it in the best possible way.

An example of our attendance tool based on the API of another product

  1. Looking for other ways to use the product
    At some point, we noticed that a cluster of YouTube pages works well on kparser.com. I looked around to see what other YouTube pages our competitors have that aren’t related to our product at all.

The youtube name generator query cluster was very frequent and had little competition. Thinking about how to connect our product and the solution to this user need, I created this page.

Now this page is the first in terms of traffic and in the top three for backlinks.

The instruction is simple:

collect a list of the most impossible ideas, how else the product can be useful;

study the content of other products that are not yet your competitors;

make a couple of experimental pages;

if something worked, you may have opened another big niche for your product.