25, Aug 2022
Page optimization

Page optimization

Once you have a list of keywords, the next step is to embed targeted keywords into your site’s content. Each page should be focused on the main query or group of queries.

Let’s take a look at a few important basic page elements that are essential if you want to drive targeted traffic to your site:


This tag helps search engines understand the actual meaning of the page, what it is about, and also recognizes the queries you want to rank for. And this is the most effective place to place your keywords. But do not forget that Yandex and Google still punish aggressive and manipulative use of keywords.

The Title tag is not the main title of your page. The title you see on the page is usually an H1 (or possibly H2) HTML element. The Title tag is what you see at the very top of the browser, and it’s populated with the page’s source code in the meta tag:

Create ad
Disable ads

JSC “Tinkoff Bank”
How it happened. You thought to open an individual entrepreneur – we will register it for free

The length of a Title that is shown on Google will vary (it’s based on pixels, not character count), but 55-60 characters on average is the ideal size in practice.

In the case of Yandex, the optimal length of the Title tag is 65-70 characters. In this case, the length and occurrence of the key query that makes up the title text plays an important role.

When composing the Title, remember that this is what the user sees in the search results, what gets into the snippet.

The title should give an answer to the main intent of the user, not break off in half a word and be written in human language, and not “Buy DVR Moscow”.


While the Title tag is actually your site’s title in the SERPs, the Description (another HTML meta element that can be updated in the site’s code but not appear on the page) is actually additional advertising for the site.

Google takes some liberties with what to display in a snippet, so your meta description may not always appear. Instead, Google’s crawler can rip out the piece of content that it thinks best fits the description of the page.

But if you can write an attractive page description that convinces people to click on the link, then you can significantly increase traffic to the site. (Remember: appearing in search results is only the first step! You still need search engines to come to your site.)

Example Description in Google search engine:

Description example in the Yandex search engine:

Body. Page content

Of course, in addition to the meta description (Title and Description), the actual content of the page itself is also important. Different pages serve different purposes.

Google and Yandex are increasingly favoring certain types of content, and there are a few things to keep in mind when creating any of the pages on your site:

Extensive and unique content. There is no magic number in terms of word count, and if you have multiple pages of content on your site with a few hundred words, you won’t lose favor with the search engines. But more often, longer unique content is preferred.
If you have a large number of very short (50-200 words) pages or a lot of duplicate content where nothing changes except for the title tag of the page, this can negatively affect the position of the site. Look at your site as a whole: is a large percentage of your pages skinny, duplicated, and of little value or low demand? If yes, try to find a way to “make” these pages better, full of content. Check your analytics to see how much traffic these pages are getting, and simply exclude them (using the noindex meta tag) from search results so that search engines don’t think you’re trying to flood their index with lots of low-value pages in an attempt to rank them up.

A tool for webmasters will help you find low-value and low-quality pages on the site. For example, Yandex Webmaster will help you find such pages through Indexing, then Pages in the search, here we select Excluded pages, in the Status filter we select the necessary parameters, in our case, a low-value or low-demand page.

Involvement. Search engines, especially Google, are paying more and more attention to engagement and user experience metrics. You can positively influence these indicators by making sure that your content responds to the user’s request, it (the content) is really useful, interesting and can be interacted with. Make sure the pages load quickly and don’t contain unnecessary design elements or, for example, overly aggressive ads above the content.
“Sharability” or “sharing capability”, i.e. the ability to share this specific content on social networks

Alt Attributes

The way you mark up your images can affect not only how search engines perceive your page, but also the amount of search traffic generated by image searches on your site.

The alt attribute is an HTML element that allows you to provide alternative information for an image if the user cannot view it. Your images can break over time (files get deleted, users can’t connect to the site, etc.), so a useful image description can be important in terms of overall usability. It also gives you another opportunity – beyond the content – to help search engines understand what the page is about.

It is not at all necessary to “stuff” with Alt keywords. Just don’t skip it and try to give a complete and accurate description of the image (imagine describing it to someone who can’t see it – that’s what the Alt attribute is really for!). You can read more about the ATL and title attributes for images in the Yandex help.

URL structure

The structure of your site’s URL can be important both in terms of tracking (you can more easily segment data in reports using a segmented logical URL structure) and in terms of being able to share the URL of the page (shorter descriptive URLs are easier to copy and paste and tend to be erroneously cropped less often). Once again: don’t try to cram in as many keywords as possible; create a short, descriptive URL.

What’s more: if you don’t have to, don’t change your URLs. Even if your URLs aren’t “beautiful”, if you don’t see them negatively impacting users and businesses in general, don’t change them to be more keyword-focused for “better SEO”. If you really need to change the URL structure, make sure you are using the correct 301 page redirect. This is a common mistake that companies make when changing the design of their sites, we have a separate cool article on this topic: “Website redesign or how to maintain your ranking in search engines without losing positions and traffic”.

25, Aug 2022
Search and distribution of keywords

Search and distribution of keywords

The first step in search engine optimization is to correctly identify what you are actually optimizing for. This means identifying the queries people are searching for or the keywords you want your site to rank for in search engines.

Sounds simple enough, right? I want my company to show up in searches when people search for “dvrs” and maybe when they type in “buy dashcam”.

But in fact, not everything is as simple as it seems. There are several key factors to consider when determining the keywords for which you want to promote your site:

Search volume. The first factor to consider is the number of people (if any) who search for a given keyword. The more people who search for a keyword, the wider the audience you want to reach. Conversely, if no one searches for a key, then there is no audience that could find your content using the search.
Relevance. If a product or service is frequently searched for, that’s great. But what if that query isn’t entirely relevant to your potential customers?
Relevance seems obvious at first: if you’re selling enterprise email marketing automation software, you don’t want to show up for search terms that have nothing to do with your business, like “pet products.” But, besides this, you should take into account for which companies you sell your product, in which territory and other equally important factors.

Competition. In SEO, too, you must consider the potential costs and likelihood of success. For SEO, this means understanding the relative competition (and likelihood of ranking) for specific terms.
First, you need to understand who your potential customers are and what they are most likely to be looking for. If you don’t yet understand who your audience is, think about it. This is a good start not only for SEO, but for business in general.

To better understand your audience, ask a few questions:

What interests them?
What are their problems?
What language do they use to describe needs, enter a request?
Who else do they buy things or services from? (These may be your competitors. But, in addition, the answer to this question may provide indirect clues in determining your target audience).
Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll have an initial “basic list” of possible keywords and domains. This list will help you get more keywords, search volume, and competition metrics.

Take a list of the main terms your prospects and clients use to describe what you do and start typing them into your keyword tools. For example, Yandex has a Wordstat word selection tool.

Serpstat has a convenient and functional keyword analysis tool:

You can use various keyword suggestion tools, but the basic idea is that at the initial stage, you will need to try to collect the maximum number of the most relevant keywords and expressions.

If you already have an active site, then most likely you are already receiving some traffic from search engines. The Yandex Webmaster Tool can also provide hints when working with requests:

or track the statistics of search queries on the site in the appropriate section:

Query statistics can also be tracked in the Google Search Console:

For extended collection of semantics, not only for high-frequency queries, but also for mid- and low-frequency queries, Key Collector is perfect. In addition to collecting keywords, you can safely use this program for clustering.

After you understand who your potential customers are, what they are looking for and how they enter a request; Having analyzed the keywords that bring traffic to competitors and studied the queries that attract traffic, you need to determine by what criteria your site can rank and where to focus your SEO efforts.